Participants of Edcamps collaboratively build their own sessions at the beginning of the Edcamp which enables participants to present, share and learn in a unique collective way with ownership of sessions. Edcamp is a conversation, a peer to peer connection, a time to create a new PLN, and a positive learning environment for professional development.
Yesterday at Edcamp Boston I had the opportunity to meet up with some of my own PLN and educators that I have shared links, sites and conversation with on twitter. @kdmiller4 and @Sadoane it was awesome to finally meet you in person!
Some of the excellent resources shared at Edcamp Boston are included within this link and check out the Edcampwiki to see if there is an Edcamp coming to your state soon.
Many thanks to the great educators who organized Edcamp Boston; Dan Callahan, Karen Janowski, Laura D'Elia, Liz Davis, Steve Guditus, and Tracy Sockalosky. Can’t wait until next year.